
Overcome The Stigma Of A Dementia Diagnosis

Receiving news of a dementia diagnosis for a loved one can be overwhelming. It’s normal to feel a mix of emotions. To help your loved one come to terms with their diagnosis, discuss it with friends and family, and address the stigma associated with dementia, we offer these ten tips.
Tip Sheet

Navigating The Holidays

The holidays are just around the corner and plans are likely underway to celebrate with family and friends. Sharing laughter and memories are a big part of holiday traditions. For families coping with Alzheimer’s and memory impairment, the holidays can also be challenging, filled with stress, and anxiety. Here are a few tips to help make the most of the holidays.
Tip Sheet

Assessing Assisted Living: An Essential Guide To Insightful Inquiries

The decision to transition a loved one to an assisted living residence is an important one. To alleviate any concerns, we’ve curated essential inquiries to make during your community tour.
Tip Sheet

Family Affair: Find Solutions Together

As parents age, maintaining open communication among siblings and family members becomes paramount when addressing physical or cognitive decline. Whether a sudden event or progression of an existing condition, keeping everyone informed fosters unified support and reduces stress.
lgbtq+ guide
Tip Sheet

Finding A LGBTQ+ Friendly Senior Living Community

When searching for an LGBTQ+ friendly senior living community, consider various factors to ensure a welcoming and inclusive environment for yourself or your loved one.
dementia diagnosis guide

Navigating a Dementia Diagnosis Guide

We know that receiving a diagnosis of a dementia-related illness or seeing or experiencing symptoms can be difficult for the individual, families, and care partners.
Coping with Parkinson’s disease: It starts with understanding.

Coping with Parkinson’s disease: It starts with understanding.

Are you facing Parkinson’s disease? Or, are you concerned that you or a family member might have it? The first step in coping is understanding. Review this guide and reach out to us. We’re here to help.
Mindful Moments: Stronger Every Day

Mindful Moments: Stronger Every Day

Wellness expert Julie Wald walks viewers through a few at-home strength body movements meant to increase energy.
memory sharp guide
Tip Sheet

Keeping Your Memory Sharp

You may notice that your memory isn’t what it used to be. You may be misplacing things more frequently or having difficulty recalling familiar names during conversations. These types of memory lapses can occur at any age, but we tend to worry more about them as we get older because we fear they are a sign of dementia or Alzheimer’s. It is important to know that some amount of memory loss is typical and nothing to worry about, while significant memory loss is a sign that there is something else going on. Regardless if  you are experiencing memory loss now or trying to prevent it from occurring, there are various strategies we can use to protect and sharpen our minds at any age. Here are some you can try. Download our ten tips for maintaining mental sharpness.
breaking promises guide
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When Breaking a Promise is the Right Thing to Do

Many spouses and adult children can recall a time when they made a promise to their loved one that they would always take care of them, vowing to never move them to a care facility. These promises are often made at the best of times and with the best of intentions. When thinking about the future, it is hard to imagine not being able to do all the things we are capable of today. We cannot forecast what the future will be like if we have a physical change, let alone a diagnosis such as Dementia or Alzheimer’s.
preparing seniors guide
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Preparing Seniors for Emergencies and Isolation

Any major change in the day-to-day lives of seniors can induce stress and anxiety. With the current coronaviruspandemic circling the world, this only emphasizes the need for us to help prepare our elderly parents and familymembers for any emergency that may arise. When we think of how to help the elderly overall, many of us reflect on how we would help our own senior parents. Here are a few preliminary steps to be prepared.
normal again guide
Tip Sheet

Normal Aging or Dementia

Memory complaints are common and their frequency usually increases with age. Do you ever find yourself walking into a room and wondering, “What was I looking for?” Inevitably, after giving up and walking away, it comes back to you. But, do you remember how you felt before? Frustrated? Yes. Or did you wonder if you are experiencing memory loss? You’re probably not. The good news is that you are most likely overwhelmed, and like many of us, too busy. 

As we age, we may need additional help from paying bills to purchasing groceries. A family member, friend or caregiver can help with these. However, if memory loss disrupts daily life, it is not normal aging and may require medical attention. So, how do you recognize the difference between “normal” aging or dementia. 

mindful moments julie wald

Mindful Moments: Let’s Breathe

Wellness expert Julie Wald guides viewers through a breathing exercise.
mindful moments julie wald

Mindful Moments: Every Body Moves

Wellness expert Julie Wald demonstrates a few body movements and breathing exercises to boost physical and mental health.
covid-19 caregiving guide
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Dementia Caregiving During COVID-19

There are so many “unknowns” when it comes to COVID-19 and that also applies to those with a memory impairment. It’s unknown how long the pandemic will last, and it’s unknown if they will be affected long-term by the current lack of normalcy. Caring for a person with dementia or Alzheimer’s is challenging already and it is important to keep care as “normal” as possible. These tips will help to keep the important things top of mind.
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Tip Sheet


According to recent research, more than 15 million Americans devote their time and energy to caring for their loved ones. Yet most of these caregivers often find themselves unable to provide care without suffering from stress or impacting their own wellness in the process. If you feel like you may be getting to that point, it may be time to consider other options. Here are some questions to consider when making the decision for you both.

inspir email headers overcoming
Tip Sheet


You are not alone. Anyone who has cared for a loved one at any point in their lives—from infant to elderly—knows that this is hard work. But that hard work is never underappreciated. Despite it all, we know that many caregivers still experience guilt for a variety of reasons, including an overwhelming feeling from the responsibility to a resentment towards siblings or spouses who don’t help. Whatever the reason may be, we understand. We’re here for you, just as you’re there for them. Here are a few helpful tips to guide you through these varying emotions.

covid guide woman using her laptop
Tip Sheet

Staying Engaged During COVID-19

As we all find ourselves with more time indoors, we want to ensure that we remain engaged and stimulated, knowing the benefit it will have for our overall health and well-being. In this guide, you will find are a variety of offerings for your enjoyment.