Elderly Man with Dementia Enjoys Company of Friends

Enriching Experiences that Redefine Memory Care at Inspīr Carnegie Hill

Inspīr Senior Living Team

At Inspīr Carnegie Hill, our Oceana memory care program transcends traditional memory care programs by immersing residents in a world of enriching experiences. We firmly believe that a life well-lived doesn't stop with memory challenges. Instead, we create opportunities for purposeful engagement, intellectual stimulation, and artistic expression tailored to each resident's unique needs and abilities.

One of the hallmarks of Oceana is our partnership with Lincoln Center through their "Lincoln Center Moments" program. For over two years, our residents have had the privilege of attending world-class performances designed explicitly for those living with cognitive challenges. These events are more than just shows; they are multi-sensory experiences that truly engage participants. 

From the warm welcome by the friendly LC Accessibility staff to the captivating performances that vary from the American Ballet to Flamenco dancers, Jazz Ensembles, String Quartets, and All-Women Salsa Bands, every aspect of Lincoln Center Moments is tailored for inclusivity and accessibility. Performances are carefully curated to a manageable one-hour duration, followed by a Q&A session, ensuring a comfortable and engaging experience for all.

Our commitment to enriching experiences extends to our collaboration with Evergreen Minds, an organization dedicated to promoting the transformative power of nature and expressive arts for those living with dementia. Through intimate and personalized group sessions, residents embark on mindful immersions in natural settings and creative pursuits, fostering physical, social, and emotional well-being.

Evergreen Minds' passionate educator, Jodie, cultivates a welcoming environment where residents can connect with nature and explore their artistic talents without pressure or stigma. These experiences not only provide therapeutic benefits but also foster intergenerational connections and a sense of normalcy within the community.

Recently, our experience team stepped out for an "On the Town" experience to the Metropolitan Museum of Art for its Met Escapes program. On a beautiful day, they immersed themselves in the rich cultural tapestry of New York City, exploring the sculpture garden on the roof and escaping the confines of their daily routine. Met Escapes offers a unique opportunity for individuals living with dementia to engage with art and history, alongside their family members or care partners. This summer, our Oceana experience team plans to visit The Cloisters in Washington Heights, further expanding the artistic and cultural horizons of our residents.

At Oceana, we believe that every moment is an opportunity for growth, connection, and joy. Our purposeful programming and compassionate care ensure that residents experience life to the fullest, transcending the limitations of memory challenges and embracing the richness of artistic, cultural, and natural wonders that surround us.

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